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2001 Fleer WWF Championship Clash #75 Shane McMahon PC

2001 Fleer WWF Championship Clash #75 Shane McMahon PC

Beckett Stock Photo, not actual product.

Price: $0.75

Qty Available: 1

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Dealer Stats

Feedback Score: 5.00 Total Number of Cards for sale: 2,803,567

Dealer Stats

Unique Items
Total Quantity Sold Unique Items Added
Yesterday 0 0 0
This Week 7 7 577
This Month 206 252 1,308
This Year 3,077 3,816 31,563
Lifetime 72,953 106,260 1,133,808

Set Description from Beckett Database

Subset within the set includes: PC = Profile of a Champion (41-80)


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