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1992-93 Ultra #371 Brent Fedyk

1992-93 Ultra #371 Brent Fedyk

Beckett Stock Photo, not actual product.

Price: $0.50

Qty Available: 1

Qty to Buy:

Dealer Stats

7th Inning Stretch: Sportscards, Comics & Gaming

Feedback Score: 4.96 Total Number of Cards for sale: 5,184,353

Dealer Stats

Unique Items
Total Quantity Sold Unique Items Added
Yesterday 53 148 131
This Week 802 1,028 355
This Month 3,799 4,529 3,546
This Year 63,444 73,757 38,313
Lifetime 677,358 922,934 1,055,393

Item Description

This is a beautiful card from a terrific set, and it would make a great addition to your collection!!

Set Description from Beckett Database

The 1992-93 Ultra hockey set consists of 450 standard-size cards. The fronts have glossy color action player photos that are full-bleed except at the bottom where a diagonal gold-foil stripe edges a "blue ice" border. The player's name and team appear on two team color-coded bars that overlay the bo... Read More »



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